Effect of end-results of parturition on Manual rotation in lying-in woman with persistent occipitotransverse position or persistent occipitoposterior position 手法旋转对持续性枕横位及持续性枕后位产妇分娩结局的影响
Application of Kielland forceps in persistent occipitoposterior position Kielland产钳在持续性枕后位中的应用
To understand the effects on manual rotation to correct both persistent occipitotransverse and occipitoposterior position, 44 cases of patients admitted from January to December 1999 in our hospital were treat with manual rotation reposition. 为了解手法旋转纠正持续性枕横位及枕后位的效果,对我院1999年1月至12月44例持续性枕横位及枕后位采取手法旋转。
Majority fetus head position unusually is persistent occipitoposterior position and persistent occipitotransverse position, can trying the delivery; 大多数胎头位置异常为持续性枕横位和枕后位,可以试产;
Clinical observation of correcting persistent occipitoposterior position with bare hand 徒手矫正持续性枕后位的临床观察
The analysis of conditional logistic regression showed that macrosomia ( birth weight 4 000g), forceps delivery and occipitoposterior or occipitotransverse in fetal position were risk factors. 经条件Logistic回归分析确定巨大儿(出生体重4000g)、产钳辅助分娩、胎方位为枕横位或枕后位是分娩性臂丛神经损伤的危险因素。